Our Culture

Transforming the dental experience one person at a time.

Transforming the Dental Experience

North American Dental Group-supported dentists are transforming the dental experience. A tall order that begins with empathy. Caring and understanding are at the core of this transformation. Complete care for our supported dentists’ patients, caring for one another, and caring for the work our supported dentists do. It is our foundation and it will define us now and in the future.

As we grow, we seek to be best-in-class in every aspect and to ensure our supported dentists are as well. To achieve that goal a clinical team of supported dentists has developed a guiding principle called “Every Patient, Every Visit.” Every Patient, Every Visit means that every patient’s total health care needs are met in every visit. It’s an uncommon approach. But, that’s what separates North American Dental Group- supported dentists and dental practices from other dental practices.

Dental health only tells half the story. Our bodies are interconnected, so our supported dentists start each appointment by checking in on some key health markers as well as behaviors. As necessary, our supported dentists also integrate with the patient’s primary medical providers or specialists.

Our Mission

Our supported-dentists strive to provide best-in-class dental care to every patient, every visit.

Best-in-class: requires having the talent, expertise, technology, knowledge and compassion to achieve this lofty goal.

Every Patient, Every Visit: The affordability-to-value ratio is perfectly balanced. This level of dental experience has managed to make it accessible to everyone. Healthy for the staff, healthy for the doctor, healthy for the patient. Again, a balance of all of the little things that make work more enjoyable.

Our Values


While collective IQs pushed our supported dentists to the top of their classes, their EQs separate them from the competition. Our supported dentists are emotionally intelligent in everything that they do. They don’t hide behind facemasks or tinted glass. Rather, they function in the office as if they are walking around in their patients’ shoes. This empathy helps them to create an unforgettable experience.


Our supported dentists make things simple and understandable for their patients. From explaining procedures to solving challenges with insurance billing, NADG and its supported dentists put out the vibe that no question is a stupid question. And, we work hard to quickly deliver answers with sound explanations.


We operate with a deep sense of pride and healthy confidence in our team. We have a bounce in our step that lets patients know that they are in the best hands. In a universe where like attracts like, putting our healthy bravado out there will bring in new customers with those same characteristics.

These are NADG’s and NADG’s supported dentists’ current values. We believe that they are expected of us. All of our cultural norms come back to these values.

Cultural Norms

  • Compassion
  • Accountability
  • Relationships
  • Expertise
  • Integrity
  • Service