May 14th Endodontic Webinar Details
PART ONE: Biofilm and Beyond
Description: This course will provide an evidence-based review of the protocols and recommendations of infection control.
May 14th Endodontic Webinar Details
PART ONE: Biofilm and Beyond
Description: This course will provide an evidence-based review of the protocols and recommendations of infection control.
May 12th Endodontic Webinar Details
PART TWO: Contemporary Soft Tissue Grafting to Maximize Dental Implant Esthetics
Description: This course will provide the dental professional with the information needed to understand the basics of implant esthetics.
May 12th Endodontic Webinar Details
PART ONE: Contemporary Soft Tissue Grafting to Maximize Dental Implant Esthetics
Description: This course will provide the dental professional with the information needed to understand the basics of implant esthetics.
May 8th Doctors, Hygienists and Clinical Teams Webinar Details
PART TWO: Crown and Bridge
Description: This course will provide the dental professional with the information needed to escalate your knowledge on the methodology of a successful crown and bridge.
May 8th Doctors, Hygienists and Clinical Teams Webinar Details
PART ONE: Crown and Bridge
Description: This course will provide the dental professional with the information needed to understand the basics of a successful crown and bridge methodology.
May 7th Doctors, Hygienists and Clinical Teams Webinar Details
Infection Prevention Webinar PART 2
Description: This course will provide an evidence-based over view of assessing the compliance of infection control
May 7th Doctors, Hygienists and Clinical Teams Webinar Details
Doctors, Hygienists and Clinical Teams – PART TWO: Restorative
Description: This course will provide an evidence-based review of the protocols and recommendations of infection control.
May 6th Doctors, Hygienists and Clinical Teams Webinar Details
Surgical Extraction Technique and Instrumentation
Description: This course will provide the dental professional with the information needed to start exploring the surgical techniques for successful third molar extractions.
May 5th Doctors, Hygienists and Clinical Teams Webinar Details
Doctors, Hygienists and Clinical Teams – PART TWO: Restorative
Description: This course will provide the dental professional with the information needed to take their restorative processes to the next level.
May 5th Doctors, Hygienists and Clinical Teams Webinar
Doctors, Hygienists and Clinical Teams – PART ONE: Restorative
Description: This course will provide the dental professional with the information needed to understand the basics of restorative dentistry.