Implant Webinar – How to Jump Start your Practice After a Crisis

May 5, 2020 2:00 pm

May 5th Implant Webinar Details

How to Jump Start your Practice After a Crisis

Description: Dental implants are a large part of any surgical practice and oftentimes are an “afterthought” as far as marketing and referral education. This course will introduce systems to not only market but educate the referral base to grow the implant practice. In addition, we will discuss some strategies to help “hit the ground running” as we first re-open after the pandemic.  These strategies are always important, but now more than ever!

Objectives: Describe the Implant Coordinator position

  • Develop letters and forms to easily communicate with referrals
  • Implement marketing strategies to increase the number of implant patients treated
  • Implement strategies to ‘hit the ground running’ after the pandemic
  • Speaker: Dr. Jay Platt
  • Date: Tuesday, May 5th, 2020
  • Time: 2:00PM – 3:00PM
